

$Comment: provides api functions to HTML pages, that embed ixmaps maps
$Source : htmlgui_api.js,v $

$InitialAuthor: guenter richter $
$InitialDate: 2011/10/29 $
$Author: guenter richter $
$Id: htmlgui_api.js 1 2011-10-29 10:51:41Z Guenter Richter $

Copyright (c) Guenter Richter
$Log: htmlgui_api.js,v $

 * @fileoverview This file provides iXmaps interface functions for HTML Pages that embed ixmaps maps<br>
 * @example 
 * 1. mode: embed the map by a dedicated frame and adress by the frame (and map) id
 * <!DOCTYPE html>
 * <html>
 *   <body>
 *     ...
 *     <iframe id="map" src="http://...map_source...">
 *     ...
 *     <script type="text/javascript" src = "../../ui/js/htmlgui_api.js" > </script>
 *     <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
 *       // wait for map ready
 *       // ----------------------------
 *       ixmaps.waitForMap("map",function() {
 *         ixmaps.setView("map",[42.79540065303723,13.20831298828125],9);
 *         ixmaps.newTheme("map","Totale complessivo",{  
 *           layer: "com2011_s",
 *           field: "Totale complessivo",
 *           style: {
 *             type: "CHOROPLETH|EQUIDISTANT",
 *             colorscheme: [  "5","#FFFDD8","#B5284B","2colors","#FCBA6C" ],
 *             dbtable: "themeDataObj csv url(http://mysite/mydata/data.csv)",
 *             lookupfield: "comune"
 *             },"clear"
 *           });
 *       });
 *     </script>
 *   </body>
 * </html>
 * @example
 * 2. mode: embed the map by ixmaps api function and adress by the returned map handle
 * <!DOCTYPE html>
 * <html>
 *   <body>
 *     <div id="map_div"></div>
 *     <script type="text/javascript" src = "../../ui/js/htmlgui_api.js" > </script>
 *     <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
 *     ixmaps.embedMap("map_div",
 *       { 
 *          mapName:    "map", 
 *          mapService: "leaflet",
 *          mapType:    "OpenStreetMap - FR"
 *       },
 *       function(map) {
 *         map.setView([42.79540065303723,13.20831298828125],9);
 *         map.newTheme("Totale complessivo",
 *           {  
 *           layer: "com2011_s",
 *           field: "Totale complessivo",
 *           style: {
 *             type: "CHOROPLETH|EQUIDISTANT",
 *             colorscheme: [  "5","#FFFDD8","#B5284B","2colors","#FCBA6C" ],
 *             dbtable: "themeDataObj csv url(http://mysite/mydata/data.csv)",
 *             lookupfield: "comune"
 *             }
 *           },"clear");
 *         }
 *       );
 *     </script>
 *   </body>
 * </html>
 * @author Guenter Richter
 * @version 1.0 
 * @copyright CC BY SA
 * @license MIT

 * @namespace ixmaps
	console.log(">>> api >>>");
	//console.log("off: "+window.location.href);
(function( ixmaps, $, undefined ) {

	/** if true, we are in an api layer */

	ixmaps.api = true;
	ixmaps.isMap = false;

	// ================================================
	// workaround for cross domain restrictions
	// send bookmark string to framed map content
	// ================================================

	// listen to messages and execute coded functions
	// ----------------------------------------------

	function receiveMessage(e)  {
		//console.log("receiveMessage: ";
		if ( typeof( == "string" ) {
			//console.log("processMessage: ";
			if ( ){
			if ( ){
				var szMap =':')[1] || "map"; 
			if ( ){
				var szMap =':')[1] || "map";
				ixmaps.embeddedApiA[szMap] = {"crossdomain":true};
			if ( ){
				var szMap =':')[1] || "map"; 
				ixmaps.waitForEmbeddedMap(szMap, function(szMap){
			if ( ){
				if ( 1 || !ixmaps.isMap ) {
					ixmaps.isMap = true;
					var szMap =':')[1] || "map";
					// map ready, try to execute the callbacks
					try{ixmaps.waitCallbackA[szMap](new ixmaps.mapApi(szMap));
			if ( ){
				var szMap =':')[1] || "map";
				var szEvent =':')[2] || "generic";
				// try to execute the event callback
	window.addEventListener("message", receiveMessage, false);  
	// send bookmark messages to execute functions in (cross domain) iframes
	// ---------------------------------------------------------------------

	ixmaps.iframe = ixmaps.iframe || {};

	ixmaps.iframe.exec = function(szFrame,szFunction){

		//console.log("ixmaps.iframe.exec -------------- "+szFrame);

		var frame = window.document.getElementById(szFrame);
		if ( frame && frame.contentWindow ){
			for ( i in ixmaps.embeddedApiA ){
				frame = window.document.getElementById(i);
				if ( frame ){
					if ( frame.contentWindow ){
					//console.log("no frame at all");

	// function to get a callback if map loaded
	ixmaps.iframe.waitForMap = function(szFrame,callback){
		if ( callback ){
			if ( !ixmaps.waitCallbackA ){
				ixmaps.waitCallbackA = [];
			ixmaps.waitCallbackA[szFrame] = callback;
			if ( ixmaps.isMap ){
				callback(new ixmaps.mapApi(ixmaps.szMap));
			var frame = window.document.getElementById(szFrame);
			// GR 09.01.2014 check if ixmaps is defined in frame content 
			if ( frame && frame.contentWindow && frame.contentWindow.ixmaps ){
				// if ixmaps is not defined in frame content, give it some time
		catch (e){}


	// function to get a callback on events
	ixmaps.iframe.waitForEvent = function(szFrame,callback){

		if ( callback ){
			if ( !ixmaps.waitEventA ){
				ixmaps.waitEventA = [];
			ixmaps.waitEventA[szFrame] = callback;
		console.log("trigger done");

	// function to reset map in cross domain iframes
	ixmaps.iframe.resetMap = function(szFrame){
		var frame = window.document.getElementById(szFrame);
		if ( frame ){

	// ================================================
	// cascaded api handling
	// ================================================

	// --------------------------------------
	// a) embedded apis will register here
	// --------------------------------------

	/** array to store the api objects of embedded ixmaps windows which have registered to this (HTML) parent */
	ixmaps.embeddedApi = null; 
	ixmaps.embeddedApiA = new Object(); 

	 * register the given api (from an embedded map) with the given name;
	 * this makes the api accessable from the parent HTML page
	 * @param {object} api the API object
	 * @param {String} szMap the name of the map registering the api (must be given as query parameter '&name=' with the maps URL)
	 * @param {object} apiwindow the window object of the map registering the api 
	 * @return void
	 * @private
	ixmaps.registerApi = function(api,szMap,apiwindow){

		console.log("registerApi: "+szMap);

		if ( api == this ){
			console.log("same level ---> exit"); 
		this.embeddedApi = api;
		this.embeddedApi.window = apiwindow;
		for ( a in this.embeddedApiA ){
			// for every embedded frame only one entry  
			// if already exists an entry for this api, delete it
				console.log("deleteApi: "+a);
				delete this.embeddedApiA[a];
		console.log("registerApi: "+szMap);
		this.embeddedApiA[szMap] = api;

	// -----------------------------------------
	// b) register this api to the parent window
	// -----------------------------------------

	ixmaps.registerMe = function(){

		console.log("register me");
			if ( window.opener ){
				ixmaps.parentApi = window.opener.ixmaps;
			if ( parent ){
				ixmaps.parentApi = parent.window.ixmaps;
				alert("error: missing parent window for parameter !");
		}catch (e){}

		// register the embedded map,
		// in case the parent page holds more than one embedded map, we can sync them
		if (!ixmaps.szMap){
			ixmaps.szMap = "map";
		if ( ixmaps.parentApi ){
			// register api to parent api 
				ixmaps.parentApi.registerApi(ixmaps,ixmaps.szMap,window );
			}catch (e){}
			// register api to cross domain parent api

	// register this api ! 
	// ---------------------

	// -----------------------------------------
	// little helpers
	// -----------------------------------------

	 * bubble up embeddedSVG handler
	 * @param {object} embeddedSVG the handler of the embedded SVG object
	 * @return void
	 * @private
	ixmaps.setEmbeddedSVG = function(embeddedSVG){
		if ( !this.embeddedSVG ){
			this.embeddedSVG = embeddedSVG;
		if (this.parentApi && (this.parentApi != this) && this.parentApi.setEmbeddedSVG ){

	 * gives the parent api a function to wait for the embedded map
	 * @param {String} szMap the name of the embedded map [optional] <em>null if there is only one map</em>
	 * @param {Function} fCallBack the function to call, if the map is loaded
	 * @return void
	 * @private
	ixmaps.waitForEmbeddedMap = function(szMap,fCallBack){

		//console.log("waitForEmbeddedMap: "+szMap);

		if ( ( ixmaps.embeddedApiA[szMap] && ixmaps.embeddedApiA[szMap].embeddedSVG ) ||
			 ( ixmaps.embeddedApiA["map"]  && ixmaps.embeddedApiA["map"].embeddedSVG  ) ) {
			if ( typeof(ixmaps.embeddedApiA[szMap||"map"]) != "undefined" ){

	 * gives the parent a function to reset the embedded map
	 * practically resets the embedde SVG handler 
	 * @param {String} szMap the name of the embedded map [optional] <em>null if there is only one map</em>
	 * @return void
	 * @private
	ixmaps.resetEmbeddedMap = function(szMap){
		try{ixmaps.embeddedApiA[szMap].embeddedSVG = null}catch(e){};
		try{ixmaps.embeddedApiA["map"].embeddedSVG = null}catch(e){};

	// -----------------------------------------
	// functions to control the mebedded map
	// -----------------------------------------

	 * dispatch a function call to an embedded map which can be:<br>
	 * a) an embedded ixmaps api, if registered<br> 
	 * b) a cross domain iframe<br> 
	 * @param {String} szMap the name of the embedded map [optional] <em>null if there is only one map</em>
	 * @param {String} szFunc the name of the function to dispatch
	 * @param {Array} argA an array of argument to pass
	 * @return void
	 * @private
	ixmaps.dispatchToEmbeddedApi = function(szMap,szFunc,argA){

		// GR 28.11.2017 workaround for 'old' calls without szMap specification
		// --------------------------------------------------------------------
		if ( szMap && !ixmaps.embeddedApiA[szMap] ){
			szMap = Object.keys(ixmaps.embeddedApiA)[0];
		szMap = szMap || Object.keys(ixmaps.embeddedApiA)[0] || "map";

		// create argument string
		szArgs = "";
		for ( i=0; i<argA.length; i++ ){
			if ( (typeof(argA[i])!="undefined") ){

				szArgs += (i>0?",":"") +  JSON.stringify(argA[i]) ;
		// create function call
		//		if embedded ixmaps is another API or an cross domain iframe
		//		(prooven by ixmaps.embeddedApiA[szMap] not found),
		//		then add szMap as first argument
		//		than add all other arguments
		var szCall = szFunc +'(';
		if ( ixmaps.embeddedApiA[szMap] && ixmaps.embeddedApiA[szMap].api ){
			szCall += "'" + szMap + "',";
		szCall += szArgs;
		szCall += ')';

		// dispatch call
		//	1. try own context
		if ( ixmaps.embeddedApiA && Object.getOwnPropertyNames(ixmaps.embeddedApiA).length && ixmaps.embeddedApiA[szMap] && !ixmaps.embeddedApiA[szMap].crossdomain ){


		//	2. cross domain iframe

			var szCall = szFunc +'(';
			szCall += "'" + szMap + "',";
			szCall += szArgs;
			szCall += ')';

	 * dispatch a function call to an embedded map which can be:<br>
	 * a) an embedded ixmaps api, if registered<br> 
	 * b) a cross domain iframe<br> 
	 * @param {String} szFunc the name of the function to dispatch
	 * @param {Array} argA an array of argument to pass
	 * @return void
	 * @private
	ixmaps.dispatchToParentApi = function(szFunc,argA){

		// create argument string
		szArgs = "";
		for ( i=0; i<argA.length; i++ ){
			if ( (typeof(argA[i])!="undefined") ){
				szArgs += (i>0?",":"") +  JSON.stringify(argA[i]) ;
		// create function call
		var szCall = "ixmaps." + szFunc +'(';
		szCall += szArgs;
		szCall += ')';

		// dispatch call

	// .............................................................................
	// e x p o r t e d
	// .............................................................................

	 * a function to wait for the embedded map
	 * a map can have a specific name or the generic name 'map'
	 * @param {String} szMap the name of the embedded map
	 * @param {Function} fCallBack the function to call, if the map is loaded
	 * @return void
	 * @example
	 * ixmaps.waitForMap("map1",function(){
     *	 ixmaps.setView("map1",[51.59898731096802,-0.33786544322673245],10);
     * };
	 * ixmaps.waitForMap("map2",function(){
     *	 ixmaps.setView("map2",[51.49898731096802,-0.04669189453125003],10);
     * };
	ixmaps.waitForMap = function(szMap,fCallBack){

	 * a function to wait for map events
	 * a map can have a specific name or the generic name 'map'
	 * @param szMap the name of the embedded map
	 * @param fCallBack the function to call, if an event occurs
	 * @return void
	ixmaps.waitForEvent = function(szMap,fCallBack){

	 * load a new project (json) into an embed context defined by a registered map name
	 * @param {String} szMap the name of the embedded map [optional] <em>null if there is only one map</em>
	 * @param {String} szUrlProject the url of the SVG map to be loaded
	 * @return void
	ixmaps.loadProject = function(szMap,szUrlProject){
		this.isMap = false;
	 * load a new map (svg/svgz) into an embed context defined by a registered map name
	 * @param {String} szMap the name of the embedded map [optional] <em>null if there is only one map</em>
	 * @param {String} szUrlMap the url of the SVG map to be loaded
	 * @param {String} [szUrlStory] parameter to load and activate a story
	 * @return void
	ixmaps.loadMap = function(szMap,szUrlMap,szUrlStory){
		this.isMap = false;
	 * load a new story; into the sidebar or hidden
	 * @param {String} szMap the name of the embedded map [optional] <em>null if there is only one map</em>
	 * @param {String} szUrlStory parameter to load and activate a story
	 * @param {Number} [nWidth] defines a new width for the sidebar where the story sits in
	 * @return void 
	ixmaps.loadStory = function(szMap,szUrlStory,nWidth){
	 * load a new sidebar content
	 * @param {String} szMap the name of the embedded map [optional] <em>null if there is only one map</em>
	 * @param {String} szUrlStory parameter to load and activate a story
	 * @param {Number} [nWidth] defines a new width for the sidebar
	 * @return void
	ixmaps.loadSidebar = function(szMap,szUrlStory,nWidth){

	 * set the view of the map to the given bounding box; the box is defined by 2 points: SW (south,west) and NE (north,east) 
	 * @param {String} szMap the name of the embedded map [optional] <em>null if there is only one map</em>
	 * @param {Array} bounds the new geo bounds with; array of 4 coordinates
	 * @return void
     * @example ixmaps.setBounds("map",[36.485910216989004,-0.11973237624387232,47.639325496476276,27.80527925124387]);
	ixmaps.setBounds = function(szMap,bounds){
	 * set the center and zoom of a map
	 * @param {String} szMap the name of the embedded map [optional] <em>null if there is only one map</em>
	 * @param {Array} center the new center of the map; array of 2 coordinates
	 * @param {Number} nZoom the new zoomfactor of the map
	 * @return void
     * @example ixmaps.setView("map1",[51.59898731096802,-0.33786544322673245],10);
	ixmaps.setView = function(szMap,center,nZoom){
	 * set the center of a map to a point given in latitide/longitude
	 * @param {String} szMap the name of the embedded map [optional] <em>null if there is only one map</em>
	 * @param {Array} center the new center of the map; array of 2 coordinates
	 * @return void
     * @example ixmaps.setCenter("map",[51.59898731096802,-0.33786544322673245]);
	ixmaps.setCenter = function(szMap,center){
	 * setZoom
	 * @param {String} szMap the name of the embedded map [optional] <em>null if there is only one map</em>
	 * @param {Number} nZoom the new zoom level of the view
	 * @return void
     * @example ixmaps.setZoom("map",10);
	ixmaps.setZoom = function(szMap,nZoom){
	 * define a minimal zoom level for the map; the user cannot zoom out beyond this level
	 * @param {String} szMap the name of the embedded map [optional] <em>null if there is only one map</em>
	 * @param {Number} nZoom the new minimal zoomm level of the view
	 * @return void
	ixmaps.minZoom = function(szMap,nZoom){
	 * get the actual center of the map view
	 * @param {String} szMap the name of the embedded map [optional] <em>null if there is only one map</em>
	 * @type Array 
	 * @return {Array} center as lat/lon array (format see: {@link ixmaps.setCenter})
	ixmaps.getCenter = function(szMap){
		return (ixmaps.embeddedApiA[szMap||'map']||ixmaps.embeddedApi).getCenter();
	 * get the actual zoomfactor of the map view
	 * @param {String} szMap the name of the embedded map [optional] <em>null if there is only one map</em>
	 * @type Number
	 * @return {Number} zoomfactor
	ixmaps.getZoom = function(szMap){
		return (ixmaps.embeddedApiA[szMap||'map']||ixmaps.embeddedApi).getZoom();
	 * get the actual bounding box of the map view
	 * @param {String} szMap the name of the embedded map [optional] <em>null if there is only one map</em>
	 * @type Array 
	 * @return {Array} SW and NE point bounding box as array of 4 numbers (see: {@link ixmaps.setBounds})
	ixmaps.getBoundingBox = function(szMap){
		return (ixmaps.embeddedApiA[szMap||'map']||ixmaps.embeddedApi).getBoundingBox();
	 * get layer info array 
	 * @param {String} szMap the name of the embedded map [optional] <em>null if there is only one map</em>
	 * @type Array
	 * @return {Array} array of layer objects
	ixmaps.getLayer = function(szMap){
		return (ixmaps.embeddedApiA[szMap||'map']||ixmaps.embeddedApi).getLayer();
	 * get layer dependency list
	 * @param {String} szMap the name of the embedded map [optional] <em>null if there is only one map</em>
	 * @return {Array} array of layer dependency objects
	ixmaps.getLayerDependency = function(szMap){
		return (ixmaps.embeddedApiA[szMap||'map']||ixmaps.embeddedApi).getLayerDependency();
	 * get tile info object
	 * @param {String} szMap the name of the embedded map [optional] <em>null if there is only one map</em>
	 * @return {object} map tile object
	ixmaps.getTileInfo = function(szMap){
		return (ixmaps.embeddedApiA[szMap||'map']||ixmaps.embeddedApi).getTileInfo();
	 * switch layer
	 * @param {String} szMap the name of the embedded map [optional] <em>null if there is only one map</em>
	 * @param {String} szLayerName the name of the layer to switch visible/invisible
	 * @param {Boolean} fState true or false
	 * @return void
	ixmaps.switchLayer = function(szMap,szLayerName,fState){
	 * execute a bookmark string, in substance a sequence of JavaScript calls
	 * @param {String} szMap the name of the embedded map [optional] <em>null if there is only one map</em>
	 * @param {String} szBookmark the bookmark string
	 * @param {Boolean} fClear if true, clears all existing map themes
	 * @return void
	 * @private
	ixmaps.execBookmark = function(szMap,szBookmark,fClear){

	 * execute a JavaScript string
	 * @param {String} szMap the name of the embedded map [optional] <em>null if there is only one map</em>
	 * @param {String} szScript the script to be executed
	 * @param {Boolean} fClear if true, clears all existing map themes
	 * @return void
	 * @private
	ixmaps.execScript = function(szMap,szScript,fClear){

	 * toggle a theme given by its name, if theme exists it will be removed
	 * @param {String} szMap the name of the embedded map [optional] <em>null if there is only one map</em>
	 * @param {String} szTheme the name of the theme 
	 * @param {String} [optional] szSourceName a (xml) theme definition file 
	 * @return void
	 * @deprecated in use for map applications which have themes defined in XML; these themes definitions where used to define standalone multitheme SVG map applications
	ixmaps.toggleTheme = function(szMap,szThemeName,szSourceName){
	 * create the given theme
	 * @param {String} szMap the name of the embedded map [optional] <em>null if there is only one map</em>
	 * @param {String} szThemeName the name of the theme as defined in the xml file
	 * @param {String} szSourceName a (xml) theme definition file 
	 * @return void
	 * @deprecated in use for map applications which have themes defined in XML; these themes definitions where used to define standalone multitheme SVG map applications
	ixmaps.setTheme = function(szMap,szThemeName,szSourceName){
	 * create a new Theme on the map; this is the principal method to create theme representations on the map
	 * @param {String} szMap the name of the embedded map [optional] <em>null if there is only one map</em>
	 * @param {String} szThemeName a name for the theme [optional]; will be displayed if the theme has no title defined
	 * @param {Object} opt a JSON definition of the theme; fro more information, please see <a href="" target="_blank">documentation</a>
	 * @param {Boolean} fClear if true, clears all previous themes
	 * @return void
	 * @example ixmaps.newTheme("map","Totale complessivo",{  
     *    layer: "com2011_s",
     *    field: "Totale complessivo",
     *    style: {
     *        type: "CHOROPLETH|EQUIDISTANT",
     *        colorscheme: [  "5","#FFFDD8","#B5284B","2colors","#FCBA6C" ],
     *        dbtable: "themeDataObj csv url(http://mysite/mydata/data.csv)",
     *        lookupfield: "comune"
     *    },"clear"
     * });
	ixmaps.newTheme = function(szMap,szThemeName,opt,fClear){

		// check if we have a call without 'szMap'
		// we must shift the arguments and insert null
		// GR 25.11.2017 after cleaning htmlgui_story.js

		var args =;

		if ( (typeof(opt) == "undefined") || (typeof(opt) == "string") ){
			fClear = opt;
			opt = szThemeName;
			szThemeName = szMap;
			szMap = null;
		if ( opt == null || (typeof(opt) == "undefined") || (typeof(opt) == "string") ){
			ixmaps.error("illegal or incomplete function call on:\nixmaps.newTheme\nargs:"+args.join(',')+"");
		//ixmaps.message("... creating theme ...");

		if ( typeof(opt.field) != 'string' ){
			s = "";
			for ( x=0; x<opt.field.length; x++ ){
				s += (x>0?"|":"") + opt.field[x];
			opt.field = s;
		if ( typeof( != 'string' ){
			var szStyle = "";
			var s = null;
			for ( a in ){
				if ([a] ){
					// separated by '|' because of possible RGB(r,g,b) color definition  
					if ( (typeof([a]) != "string") && (typeof([a]) != "number") ){
						s = "";
						for ( x=0; x<[a].length; x++ ){
							s += (x>0?"|":"") +[a][x];
						s = String([a]);	
					szStyle += a +':'+ s + ";";
			} = szStyle;

		if ( fClear ){
			if ( fClear == "force" ){ += "|FORCE";
			if ( fClear == "clearcharts" ){
				var szScript = "map.Api.clearAllCharts()";
				var szScript = "map.Api.clearAll()";
		var szScript = "map.Api.newMapTheme(\""+(opt.layer||"")+"\",\""+(opt.field||"")+"\",\""+(opt.field100||"")+"\",\"""\",\""+szThemeName+"\",\""+opt.axis+"\")";

	 * refresh a Theme already on the ma
	 * reload data and redraw theme
	 * @param {String} szMap the name of the embedded map [optional] <em>null if there is only one map</em>
	 * @param {String} szThemeName a name for the theme [optional]; will be displayed if the theme has no title defined
	 * @return void
	ixmaps.refreshTheme = function(szMap,szThemeName){
	 * remove a Theme from the map
	 * @param {String} szMap the name of the embedded map [optional] <em>null if there is only one map</em>
	 * @param {String} szThemeName a name for the theme [optional]; will be displayed if the theme has no title defined
	 * @return void
	ixmaps.removeTheme = function(szMap,szThemeName){
	 * remove all themes (choropleth, symbol or chart symbols) from the map
	 * @param {String} szMap the name of the embedded map [optional] <em>null if there is only one map</em>
	 * @return void
	ixmaps.clearAll = function(szMap){
		var szScript = "map.Api.clearAll()";
	 * remove all chart themes (symbol or chart symbols) from the map
	 * @param {String} szMap the name of the embedded map [optional] <em>null if there is only one map</em>
	 * @return void
	ixmaps.clearAllCharts = function(szMap){
		var szScript = "map.Api.clearAllCharts()";
	 * remove all chart themes (symbol or chart symbols) from the map
	 * @param {String} szMap the name of the embedded map [optional] <em>null if there is only one map</em>
	 * @return void
	 * @private
	 * @deprecated - use ixmaps.clearAllCharts()
	ixmaps.clearAllChart = function(szMap){
		var szScript = "map.Api.clearAllCharts()";
	 * remove all choropleth themes from the map
	 * @param {String} szMap the name of the embedded map [optional] <em>null if there is only one map</em>
	 * @return void
	ixmaps.clearAllChoropleth = function(szMap) {
		var szScript = "map.Api.clearAllChoropleth()";
	 * selects a theme from the maps legend to be shown(switchd on)
	 * (theme must be present in the generated maps legend) 
	 * @param szMap the name of the embedded map
	 * @param szTheme the name of the theme as shown in the map legend (when in full mode)
	 * @return void
	 * @private
	 * @deprecated 19.06.2017 no more evidence of use found 
	ixmaps.checkTheme = function(szMap,szTheme){
		try	{
		}catch (e){	}

	 * change the style of one theme, 
	 * if the theme (szTheme) is not defined, the top most theme is changed
	 * @param {String} szMap the name of the embedded map [optional] <em>null if there is only one map</em>
	 * @param {String} szTheme the name of the theme [optional] <em>if null it refers to the upmost or only theme</em>
	 * @param {String} szStyle a style definition string (see <a href="" target="_blank">documentation</a>)
	 * @param {String} szFlag the style change method ('set' or 'factor' or 'remove' - see api doc)
	 * @example ixmaps.changeThemeStyle(null,null,"opacity:0.5","factor");
	 * @example ixmaps.changeThemeStyle("map1",null,"type:AGGREGATE","add");
	 * @return void
	ixmaps.changeThemeStyle = function(szMap,szTheme,szStyle,szFlag){

	 * change the object (charts) scaling of the map 
	 * @instance
	 * @param {String} szMap the name of the embedded map [optional] <em>null if there is only one map</em>
	 * @param {Number} nDelta a numeric factor to scale the objects size with
	 * @return void
	ixmaps.changeObjectScaling = function(szMap,nDelta){

	 * change the feature scaling of the map 
	 * @instance
	 * @param {String} szMap the name of the embedded map [optional] <em>null if there is only one map</em>
	 * @param {Number} nDelta a numeric factor to scale the objects size with
	 * @return void
	ixmaps.changeFeatureScaling = function(szMap,nDelta){

	 * change the line scaling of the map 
	 * @instance
	 * @param {String} szMap the name of the embedded map [optional] <em>null if there is only one map</em>
	 * @param {Number} nDelta a numeric factor to scale the objects size with
	 * @return void
	ixmaps.changeLineScaling = function(szMap,nDelta){

	 * change the label scaling of the map 
	 * @instance
	 * @param {String} szMap the name of the embedded map [optional] <em>null if there is only one map</em>
	 * @param {Number} nDelta a numeric factor to scale the objects size with
	 * @return void
	ixmaps.changeLabelScaling = function(szMap,nDelta){

	 * mark theme class
	 * @param {String} szMap the name of the embedded map [optional] <em>null if there is only one map</em>
	 * @param {String} szThemeId the id of the theme received on create
	 * @param {Number} nClass the number of the theme class
	 * @return void
	ixmaps.markThemeClass = function(szMap,szThemeId,nClass){

	 * unmark theme class
	 * @param {String} szMap the name of the embedded map [optional] <em>null if there is only one map</em>
	 * @param {String} szThemeId the id of the theme received on create
	 * @param {Number} nClass the number of the theme class
	 * @return void
	ixmaps.unmarkThemeClass = function(szMap,szThemeId,nIndex){

	 * filter theme items by reloading theme
	 * @param szThemeId the id of the theme received on create
	 * @param szFilter the filter string
	 * @param mode an additional flag
	 * @return void
	 * @private
	ixmaps.filterThemeItemsReload = function(szThemeId,szFilter,mode){
		if ( ixmaps.tFilterThemeItemsReload ){
		// GR30.10.2017 szFilter may contain "'" characters; replace with \' to pass string encoding
		ixmaps.tFilterThemeItemsReload = setTimeout("ixmaps.filterThemeItemsReloadExecute('"+szThemeId+"','"+szFilter.replace(/'/g,"\\'")+"','"+mode+"')",1000);
	 * filter theme items by reloading theme - delayed execute
	 * @param szThemeId the id of the theme received on create
	 * @param szFilter the filter string
	 * @param mode an additional flag
	 * @return void
	 * @private
	ixmaps.filterThemeItemsReloadExecute = function(szThemeId,szFilter,mode){
		ixmaps.changeThemeStyle(szThemeId,'filter:'+ szFilter);	
	 * filter theme items 
	 * @param {String} szMap the name of the embedded map [optional] <em>null if there is only one map</em>
	 * @param {String} szThemeId the id of the theme received on create
	 * @param {String} szFilter the filter string
	 * @param {String} mode an additional flag
	 * @return void
	ixmaps.filterThemeItems = function(szMap,szThemeId,szFilter,mode){
		// GR 30.06.2015 different filter for AGGREGATE themes
		var themeObj = ixmaps.getThemeObj(szThemeId);
		if ( themeObj && ( themeObj.szFlag.match(/AGGREGATE/) || themeObj.szFlag.match(/MULTI/)) || szFilter.match(/WHERE/) ){
			ixmaps.filterThemeItemsReload(szThemeId,(szFilter||" "),mode);

	 * loadExternalData
	 * @param {String} szMap the name of the embedded map [optional] <em>null if there is only one map</em>
	 * @param {String} szUrl the URL of the external data to be loaded
	 * @param {Object} opt a JSON object that describes the data source  
	 * @return void
	 * @private
	ixmaps.loadExternalData = function(szMap,szUrl,opt){
		catch (e){
	 * show data table
	 * @void
	ixmaps.popupThemeTable = function(){
		catch (e){

	 * show Bookmarks dialog
	 * @param {String} szMap the name of the embedded map [optional] <em>null if there is only one map</em>
	 * @param {Array} position x,y screen position for the modal dialog
	 * @void
	ixmaps.popupBookmarks = function(szMap,position){
	 * show share dialog
	 * @param {String} szMap the name of the embedded map [optional] <em>null if there is only one map</em>
	 * @param {Array} position x,y screen position for the modal dialog
	 * @void
	ixmaps.popupShare = function(szMap,position){
	 * show Theme Code Editor
	 * @param {String} szMap the name of the embedded map [optional] <em>null if there is only one map</em>
	 * @param {Array} position x,y screen position for the modal dialog
	 * @void
	ixmaps.popupThemeEditor = function(szMap,position){

	 * get themes
	 * @param {String} szMap the name of the embedded map [optional] <em>null if there is only one map</em>
	 * @return {array} an array ot the theme ids
	ixmaps.getThemes = function(szMap){
		return (ixmaps.embeddedApiA[szMap]||ixmaps.embeddedApi).getThemes();
	 * get the style of a theme
	 * @param {String} szMap the name of the embedded map [optional] <em>null if there is only one map</em>
	 * @param {String} szThemeName the name of the theme [optional] <em>if null it refers to the upmost or only theme</em>
	 * @return {String} the 'style' part of a theme definition to be used for legends
	ixmaps.getThemeStyleString = function(szMap,szThemeName){
		if (arguments.length == 1){szThemeName=szMap;szMap=null;}
		return (ixmaps.embeddedApiA[szMap]||ixmaps.embeddedApi).getThemeStyleString(szThemeName);
	 * get the definition string of a theme
	 * @param {String} szMap the name of the embedded map [optional] <em>null if there is only one map</em>
	 * @param {String} szThemeName the name of the theme [optional] <em>if null it refers to the upmost or only theme</em>
	 * @return {String} a serialized representation of the theme definition object (JSON)
	ixmaps.getThemeDefinitionString = function(szMap,szThemeName){
		if (arguments.length == 1){szThemeName=szMap;szMap=null;}
		return (ixmaps.embeddedApiA[szMap]||ixmaps.embeddedApi).getThemeDefinitionString(szThemeName);
	 * get the definition object of a theme
	 * @param {String} szMap the name of the embedded map [optional] <em>null if there is only one map</em>
	 * @param {String} szThemeName the name of the theme [optional] <em>if null it refers to the upmost or only theme</em>
	 * @return {Object} the theme definition object (JSON)
	ixmaps.getThemeDefinitionObj = function(szMap,szThemeName){
		if (arguments.length == 1){szThemeName=szMap;szMap=null;}
		return (ixmaps.embeddedApiA[szMap]||ixmaps.embeddedApi).getThemeDefinitionObj(szThemeName);
	 * get the actual theme object, may be different from the definition object
	 * @param {String} szMap the name of the embedded map [optional] <em>null if there is only one map</em>
	 * @param {String} szThemeName the name of the theme [optional] <em>if null it refers to the upmost or only theme</em>
	 * @return {Object} the actual theme definition object (JSON) which can differ from the definitiuon object
	ixmaps.getThemeObj = function(szMap,szThemeName){
		if (arguments.length == 1){szThemeName=szMap;szMap=null;}
		return (ixmaps.embeddedApiA[szMap]||ixmaps.embeddedApi).getThemeObj(szThemeName);

	 * get the data of a theme object or map item
	 * @param {String} szMap the name of the embedded map [optional] <em>null if there is only one map</em>
	 * @param {String} szItem the id of the theme item or map item
	 * @return {Object} the data as JSON object
	ixmaps.getData = function(szMap,szItem){
		if (arguments.length == 1){szItem=szMap;szMap=null;}
		if ( (ixmaps.embeddedApiA[szMap]||ixmaps.embeddedApi).api == true ){
			return (ixmaps.embeddedApiA[szMap]||ixmaps.embeddedApi).getData(szMap,szItem);
			return (ixmaps.embeddedApiA[szMap]||ixmaps.embeddedApi).getData(szItem);

	 * create a browser bookmark by updating the URL with the actual theme and map view
	 * @param {String} szMap the name of the embedded map [optional] <em>null if there is only one map</em>
	 * @param {Integer} nZoom a possible additive zoom for bookmark
	 * @param {Boolean} fFlag true or false
	 * @return void
	ixmaps.updatePageHistory = function(szMap,nZoom,fFlag){

	 * get a JavaScript string to set the maps envelove (bounds)
	 * @param {String} szMap the name of the embedded map [optional] <em>null if there is only one map</em>
	 * @param {Integer} nZoom optional parameter (2,3,4,...) to get a zoomed envelope
	 * @return {String} executable Javascript to set the map bounds; part of a bookmark
	ixmaps.getEnvelopeString = function(szMap,nZoom){
		if (arguments.length == 1){nZoom=szMap;szMap=null;}
		return (ixmaps.embeddedApiA[szMap]||ixmaps.embeddedApi).getEnvelopeString(nZoom);
	 * @deprecated old function call
	 * @private 
	ixmaps.htmlgui_getEnvelopeString = function(szMap,nZoom){
		if (arguments.length == 1){nZoom=szMap;szMap=null;}
		return (ixmaps.embeddedApiA[szMap]||ixmaps.embeddedApi).getEnvelopeString(nZoom);

	 * get a JavaScript string to create all actual themes of the map
	 * @param {String} szMap the name of the embedded map [optional] <em>null if there is only one map</em>
	 * @return {String} executable Javascript to create all themes; part of a bookmark
	ixmaps.getThemesString = function(szMap){
		return (ixmaps.embeddedApiA[szMap]||ixmaps.embeddedApi).getThemesString();
	 * @deprecated old function call
	 * @private 
	ixmaps.htmlgui_getThemesString = function(szMap){
		return (ixmaps.embeddedApiA[szMap]||ixmaps.embeddedApi).getThemesString();

	 * get a complete bookmark string to reproduce map, view and themes
	 * @param {String} szMap the name of the embedded map [optional] <em>null if there is only one map</em>
	 * @return {String} executable Javascript to reproduce the map; a comlete bookmark
	ixmaps.getBookmarkString = function(szMap){
		return (ixmaps.embeddedApiA[szMap]||ixmaps.embeddedApi).getBookmarkString();
	 * @private
	 * @deprecated old function call
	ixmaps.htmlgui_getBookmarkString = function(szMap){
		return (ixmaps.embeddedApiA[szMap]||ixmaps.embeddedApi).getBookmarkString();

	 * dispatch on window resize event 
	 * @param {String} szMap the name of the embedded map
	 * @param {Object} box a bounding given in x,y,width,height
	 * @param {Boolean} zoomto if true zoom map to fit the box
	 * @return void
	 * @private
	ixmaps.resizeMap = function(szMap,box,zoomto){

	 * reset the map application
	 * @return void
	ixmaps.reset = function(){;;

	 * set map tool in all embedded maps;  
	 * the map tool manages the mouse (touch) input; 
	 * possible values are:
	 * <table><tr><td> 
	 * 'pan'			</td><td>zoom and pan the map</td></tr><td>
	 * 'info'			</td><td>query info of map elements by click</td></tr><td>
	 * 'coord'			</td><td>display lat/lon coordinate on click</td></tr><td>
	 * 'measurement'	</td><td>measure distance</td></tr><td>
	 * 'polyline'		</td><td>measure multiple distances</td></tr><td>
	 * 'polybon'		</td><td>measure area20/06/2017</td></tr><td>
	 * 'selectrect'		</td><td>select and aggregate theme values by rectangular buffer</td></tr><td>
	 * 'selectbuffer'	</td><td>select and aggregate theme values by circular buffer</td></tr><td>
	 * </td></tr></table>
	 * @param {String}	szId the map tool to be set (e.g. 'info');
	 * @return void
	ixmaps.setMapTool = function(szId){
		for ( a in ixmaps.embeddedApiA ){

	 * set (base)map type by name; change the (HTML) basemap into type defined for the basemap provider (leaflet,google...) 
	 * @param {String} szMap the map name [optional] 
	 * @param {String} szId the map type id to be set (e.g. 'satellite');
	 * @return void
	ixmaps.setMapTypeId = function(szMap,szId){
	 * @deprecated old function call
	 * @private
	ixmaps.htmlgui_setMapTypeId = function(szId){
		for ( a in ixmaps.embeddedApiA ){

	 * get the (base)map type; returns the name of the actual maptype of the basemap (examples: 'roads','satellite') 
	 * @param {String} szMap the map name [optional] 
	 * @return {String} the actual map type
	ixmaps.getMapTypeId = function(szMap){
		return (ixmaps.embeddedApiA[szMap||'map']||ixmaps.embeddedApi).getMapTypeId();
	 * @deprecated old function call
	 * @private
	ixmaps.htmlgui_getMapTypeId = function(szMap){
		return (ixmaps.embeddedApiA[szMap||'map']||ixmaps.embeddedApi).getMapTypeId();

	 * get the url of the actual loaded story 
	 * @param {String} szMap the map name [optional]
	 * @return {String} the URL of the story
	ixmaps.getStoryUrl = function(szMap){
		return (ixmaps.embeddedApiA[szMap||'map']||ixmaps.embeddedApi).getStoryUrl();
	 * @deprecated old function call
	 * @private
	ixmaps.htmlgui_getStoryUrl = function(szMap){
		return (ixmaps.embeddedApiA[szMap||'map']||ixmaps.embeddedApi).getStoryUrl();

	 * get the url of the actual loaded SVG map 
	 * @param {String} szMap the map name [optional]
	 * @return {String} the URL of the SVG map
	ixmaps.getMapUrl = function(szMap){
		return (ixmaps.embeddedApiA[szMap||'map']||ixmaps.embeddedApi).getMapUrl();
	 * @deprecated old function call
	 * @private
	ixmaps.htmlgui_getMapUrl = function(szMap){
		return (ixmaps.embeddedApiA[szMap||'map']||ixmaps.embeddedApi).getMapUrl();

	 * get the part of a bookmark string to define the base map provider 
	 * @param {String} szMap the name of the embedded map [optional] <em>null if there is only one map</em>
	 * @param {String} szService the name of the base map provider
	 * @return {String} the bookmark string token to define the basemap provider
	 * @private
	ixmaps.getBaseMapParameter = function(szMap,szService){
		return (ixmaps.embeddedApiA[szMap||'map']||ixmaps.embeddedApi).getBaseMapParameter(szService);

	 * get the part of a bookmark that defines scale parameter 
	 * @param {String} szMap the name of the embedded map [optional] <em>null if there is only one map</em>
	 * @return {Object} the scale pareameter object
	 * @private
	ixmaps.getScaleParam = function(szMap){
		return (ixmaps.embeddedApiA[szMap||'map']||ixmaps.embeddedApi).getScaleParam();

	 * get map options (JSON), defining the maps behavior
	 * @param {String} szMap the name of the embedded map [optional] <em>null if there is only one map</em>
	 * @return {Object}
	 * @private
	 * @example
	 *	{
	 *		featurescaling:"dynamic",
	 *		labelscaling:"dynamic",
	 *		objectscaling:"dynamic"
	 *	}
	ixmaps.getOptions = function(szMap){
		return (ixmaps.embeddedApiA[szMap||'map']||ixmaps.embeddedApi).getOptions();

	 * get host prefix of a map<br> 
	 * used while create bookmarks of the actual map to transform relative URLs into absolute URLs
	 * @param {String} szUrl a relative Url
	 * @return {String} the dispatched url
	 * @private
	ixmaps.dispatch = function(szUrl){
			return ixmaps.embeddedApiA['map'].dispatch(szUrl);
		catch (e){
			return ixmaps.embeddedApiA['map'].embeddedApi.dispatch(szUrl);

	 * set tool offset top; may be usefull if we need empty space at the page (map) top  
	 * @param {String} szMap the name of the embedded map [optional] <em>null if there is only one map</em>
	 * @param {Integer} nMarginTop the offset in pixel of the map tools/widgets
	 * @return void
	ixmaps.setMapWidgetMarginTop = function(szMap,nMarginTop){

	 * set map features
	 * @param {String} szMap the name of the embedded map [optional] <em>null if there is only one map</em>
	 * @param {String} szFeatures a style string like "item1:value1;item2:value2;" 
	 * @return void
	 * @example	ixmaps.setMapFeatures("map","popupdelay:250;toolmargintop:60;flushPaintShape:5000;flushChartDraw:5000;featurescaling:true;objectscaling:dynamic;labelscaling:dynamic;dynamiclabel:NOSIZE;labelspace:2.0;checklabeloverlap:NOSQUEEZE;loadsilent:true;");
	 * @deprecated please use {@link ixmaps.setOptions} 
	ixmaps.setMapFeatures = function(szMap,szFeatures){

	 * set map scale parameter
	 * @param {String} szMap the name of the embedded map [optional] <em>null if there is only one map</em>
	 * @param {String} szParam a style string like "item1:value1;item2:value2;" 
	 * @return void
	 * @example	ixmaps.setScaleParam("map","normalSizeScale:50000;labelScaling:1.5");
	ixmaps.setScaleParam = function(szMap,szParam){

	 * set map options, define the maps behavior
	 * @param {String} szMap the name of the embedded map [optional] <em>null if there is only one map</em>
	 * @param {Object} opt option object  like {item1:value1,item2:value2} 
	 * @return void
	 * @example
	 *	ixmaps.setOptions("map",{
	 *		featurescaling:"dynamic",
	 *		labelscaling:"dynamic",
	 *		objectscaling:"dynamic"
	 *	});
	ixmaps.setOptions = function(szMap,opt){ 

	 * set local text; localize, change or suppress application messages; nearly every messsage of iXMaps can be changed by this 
	 * method; simply define a localized message or even only a word of a message; you can also suppress the message defining an empty string ("") 
	 * @param {String} szMap the name of the embedded map [optional] <em>null if there is only one map</em>
	 * @param {String} szOrig the string to replace
	 * @param {String} szLocal the localized string
	 * @return void
	 * @example
	 * ixmaps.setLocalString("map","creating charts","...");
	 * ixmaps.setLocalString("map","loading data ...","... caricando dati ...");
	ixmaps.setLocalString = function(szMap,szOrig,szLocal){

	 * set local strings
	 * @param {String} szMap the name of the embedded map [optional] <em>null if there is only one map</em>
	 * @param {String} szOrig original string 
	 * @param {String} szLocal local string 
	 * @return void
	 * @example
	 *	ixmaps.setLocal("map","loading","scaricando");
	 *	});
	ixmaps.setLocal = function(szMap,szOrig,szLocal){

	 * set external data
	 * make data present as JavaScript object usable by theme definitions
	 * @param {String} szMap the name of the embedded map [optional] <em>null if there is only one map</em>
	 * @param {object} data the data object 
	 * @param {object} opt a javascript object with data definitions; minimal two properties: type and name see example
	 * <table>
	 * <tr><td>type</td><td>the type of the data object ('json' or 'array')</td></tr>
	 * <tr><td>name</td><td>the define the name you can use for themes (dbtable option in {@link ixmaps.newTheme})</td></tr>
	 * </table>
	 * @return void
	 * @example
	 *	ixmaps.setExternalData("map",dataObj,{type:"json",name:"theme_data"});
	 *	});
	ixmaps.setExternalData = function(szMap,data,opt) {

	// -----------------------------------------
	// functions to synchronize the embedded maps
	// -----------------------------------------

	 * synchronise all embedded maps on page
	 * @return void
	 * @private
	ixmaps.syncSVGMap = function(){
		for ( a in ixmaps.embeddedApiA ){

	 * display a message
	 * @param {String} szMessage the message to display
	 * @return void
	ixmaps.message = function(szMessage){
		for ( a in ixmaps.embeddedApiA ){

	 * display a loading icon and a message
	 * @param {String} szMessage the (loading)message to display
	 * @param {Boolean} flag if true, show always, also in silent mode
	 * @return void
	ixmaps.showLoading = function(szMessage,flag){
		for ( a in ixmaps.embeddedApiA ){

	 * hide loading icon and message
	 * @return void
	ixmaps.hideLoading = function(){
		for ( a in ixmaps.embeddedApiA ){

	 * hide the user interface of the map(s) (the pan,info,search... buttons)
	 * @return void
	ixmaps.hideUi = function(){
		for ( a in ixmaps.embeddedApiA ){

	 * show the user interface of the map(s) (the pan,info,search... buttons); complement to {@link ixmaps.hideUi}
	 * @return void
	ixmaps.showUi = function(){
		for ( a in ixmaps.embeddedApiA ){

	 * show error message
	 * @param szText the error message
	 * @return void
	ixmaps.error = function(szText){
		try	{, "iXmaps", szText.replace(/\n+/g,'<br>'), null, null);
		catch (e){
	 * show confirm dialog
	 * @param szText a message
	 * @param callOk the function to call on ok
	 * @param callCancel the function to call on cancel
	 * @return void
	ixmaps.confirm = function(szText,callOk,callCancel){
		try	{, "iXmaps", szText.replace(/\n+/g,'<br>'), callOk, callCancel);
		catch (e){
			if ( confirm("szText") ){
	// ---------------------------------------------------
	// functions to synchronize two or more embedded maps
	// ---------------------------------------------------

	/** holds the api of the map which will have the role of master */
	ixmaps.masterApi = null;

	 * sync slave maps 
	 * (embedded maps that have been rigistered with a name) 
	 * @param {Object} masterApi the api of the map that gives the new envelope
	 * @param {Object} ptSW south west point of the new envelope
	 * @param {Object} ptNE north east point of the new envelope
	 * @param {Integer} nZoom html map zoom to set, overrides the zoom of the envelope, necessary because the html map can only have integer zoom levels 
	 * @return void
	 * @private
	ixmaps.syncEmbed = function(masterApi,ptSW,ptNE,nZoom){

		if ( ixmaps.fRecur ){

		if ( (ixmaps.masterApi != null) && (ixmaps.masterApi != masterApi) ){
		// bubble up the sync request
		if ( ixmaps.parentApi && (ixmaps.parentApi != ixmaps) && ixmaps.parentApi.syncEmbed ){
			if (ixmaps.parentApi.syncEmbed){
		// to avoid recursion
		ixmaps.masterApi = masterApi;

		// loop over the registered maps and synch center and zoom  
		for ( a in ixmaps.embeddedApiA ){
			if ( (ixmaps.embeddedApiA[a] != masterApi)  ){
				if ( (ixmaps.embeddedApiA[a] != masterApi) && ixmaps.embeddedApiA[a].syncEmbedMap ){
				ixmaps.fRecur = true;
				// pass the sync request to cross domain parent api
				if (!ixmaps.embeddedApiA[a].syncEmbed){
				setTimeout("ixmaps.fRecur = false",1);

		// to avoid recursion
		setTimeout("ixmaps.masterApi = null",1000);

	 * synchronise all embedded maps to given center and zoom
	 * @param {String} szMap the name of the embedded map [optional] <em>null if there is only one map</em>
	 * @param {Object} ptSW south west point of the new envelope
	 * @param {Object} ptNE north east point of the new envelope
	 * @param {Integer} nZoom html map zoom to set, overrides the zoom of the envelope, necessary because the html map can only have integer zoom levels 
	 * @return void
	 * @private
	ixmaps.syncEmbedMap = function(szMap,ptSW,ptNE,nZoom){
		for ( a in ixmaps.embeddedApiA ){

	 * make an embedded maps fullscreen
	 * @param szTemplateUrl URL to a fullscreen template 
	 * @return void
	 * @private
	ixmaps.fullScreenMap = function(szTemplateUrl){
		for ( a in ixmaps.embeddedApiA ){

	 * set the synchronisation behavior of multiple embedded maps
	 * @param fFlag true or false (default:false)
	 * @return void
	ixmaps.setSyncMultiMaps = function(fFlag){
		for ( a in ixmaps.embeddedApiA ){

	 * set the onClick behavior of the map(s); if true, clicking on map symbols changes to 'info' mode
	 * @param fFlag true or false (default:false)
	 * @return void
	ixmaps.setAutoSwitchInfo = function(fFlag){
		for ( a in ixmaps.embeddedApiA ){

	 * check if map has an initial bookmark string given (with the URL)
	 * @param {String} szMap the name of the embedded map [optional] <em>null if there is only one map</em>
	 * @return void
	ixmaps.isBookmark = function(szMap){
		if (szMap){
			return ixmaps.embeddedApiA[szMap]?ixmaps.embeddedApiA[szMap].isBookmark():false;
		for ( a in ixmaps.embeddedApiA ){
			return ixmaps.embeddedApiA[a].isBookmark();

	 * helper function to set attribute "unselectable" = "on" 
	 * @param {String} szNodeId id of the HTML element to apply the "unselectable" attribute
	 * @void
	ixmaps.makeUnselectable = function(szNodeId) {
		var node = window.document.getElementById(szNodeId);
		if ( node ){
			if (node.nodeType == 1) {
			var child = node.firstChild;
			while (child) {
				child = child.nextSibling;

	// ---------------------------------------------------
	// bubble up map events
	// ---------------------------------------------------

	ixmaps.htmlgui_onItemClick = function(szId){
		if ( ixmaps.parentApi != ixmaps ){
			return ixmaps.parentApi.htmlgui_onItemClick(szId);

	ixmaps.htmlgui_onInfoDisplay = function(szId){
		if ( ixmaps.parentApi != ixmaps ){
			return ixmaps.parentApi.htmlgui_onInfoDisplay(szId);

	ixmaps.htmlgui_onNewTheme = function(szId){
		if ( ixmaps.parentApi != ixmaps ){

	ixmaps.htmlgui_onDrawTheme = function(szId){
		if ( ixmaps.parentApi != ixmaps ){

	ixmaps.htmlgui_onRemoveTheme = function(szId){
		if ( ixmaps.parentApi != ixmaps ){

	ixmaps.htmlgui_onErrorTheme = function(szId){
		if ( ixmaps.parentApi != ixmaps ){

	ixmaps.htmlgui_onZoomAndPan = function(nZoom){
		if ( ixmaps.parentApi != ixmaps ){
	ixmaps.htmlgui_setScaleSelect = function(szScale){
		if ( ixmaps.parentApi != ixmaps ){

	ixmaps.htmlgui_drawChart = function(SVGDoc,args){
		return ( ixmaps.parentApi != ixmaps ) ? ixmaps.parentApi.htmlgui_drawChart(SVGDoc,args) : null;

	ixmaps.htmlgui_drawChartAfter = function(SVGDoc,args){
		return ( ixmaps.parentApi != ixmaps ) ? ixmaps.parentApi.htmlgui_drawChartAfter(SVGDoc,args) : null;

	ixmaps.htmlgui_onTooltipDisplay = function(szText){
		return ( ixmaps.parentApi != ixmaps ) ? ixmaps.parentApi.htmlgui_onTooltipDisplay(szText) : szText

	ixmaps.htmlgui_onInfoTitle = function(szText,item){
		return (ixmaps.parentApi != ixmaps) ? ixmaps.parentApi.htmlgui_onInfoTitle(szText,item) : szText;

	ixmaps.htmlgui_onInfoDisplayExtend = function(svgDoc,szId){
		return ( ixmaps.parentApi != ixmaps ) ? ixmaps.parentApi.htmlgui_onInfoDisplayExtend(svgDoc,szId) : null;

	ixmaps.htmlgui_colorScheme = function(theme){
		if ( ixmaps.parentApi != ixmaps ){

	ixmaps.htmlgui_onStoryLoaded = function(szUrl,target){
		if ( ixmaps.parentApi != ixmaps ){

	// function called on SVG map ready
	// must be dispatched
	// !! may be redefined by user
	ixmaps.onMapReady = function(szMap){


			// bubble up 
			if ( ixmaps.parentApi != ixmaps ){
		catch (e){

	ixmaps.onMapZoom = function(obj){
		if ( ixmaps.parentApi != ixmaps ){

	ixmaps.htmlgui_onWindowResize = function(){
		if ( ixmaps.parentApi != ixmaps ){

	ixmaps.htmlgui_setMapTypeBG = function(szId){
		if ( ixmaps.parentApi != ixmaps ){

	// =====================================================
	// =====================================================
	// function wrapper to create an easy to use interface
	// with selectors for map and theme  
	// like: map().theme().changeStyle(...)
	//       map("mymap").theme().changeStyle(...)
	//       map("mymap").theme(themeId).changeStyle(...)
	// =====================================================
	// =====================================================

	 * Create a new ixmaps.themeApi instance.  
	 * @class It realizes an object to hold a theme handle
	 * @constructor
	 * @param {String} [szMap] the name of the map, to define if more than one map present
	 * @param {String} [szTheme] the theme id, to define if more than one theme present
	 * @return A new ixmaps.themeApi object

	ixmaps.themeApi = function(szMap,szTheme){
		this.szMap = szMap||null;
		this.szTheme = szTheme||null;
	ixmaps.themeApi.prototype = {

		 * change Style 
		 * @param {String} szStyle a style definition string (see <a href="" target="_blank">documentation</a>)
		 * @param {String} szFlag the style change method ('set' or 'factor' or 'remove' - see api doc)
		 * @example"opacity:0.5","factor");
		 * @example"map1").theme().changeStyle("type:AGGREGATE","add");
		 * @return void
		changeStyle: function(szStyle,szFlag){


	 * Create a new ixmaps.mapApi instance.  
	 * @class It realizes an object to hold a map handle
	 * @constructor
	 * @param {String} [szMap] the name of the map, to define if more than one map present
	 * @return A new ixmaps.themeApi object
	ixmaps.mapApi = function(szMap){
		this.szMap = szMap||null;
	ixmaps.mapApi.prototype = {

		setBounds: function(bounds){

		setView: function(center,zoom){

		setScaleParam: function(szParam){
		setMapFeatures: function(szFeatures){

		setOptions: function(options){

		setData: function(data,options){

		setExternalData: function(data,options){

		setLocal: function(szGlobal,szLogal){

		getLayer: function(){
			return ixmaps.getLayer(this.szMap);

		getLayerDependency: function(){
			return ixmaps.getLayerDependency(this.szMap);

		getTileInfo: function(){
			return ixmaps.getTileInfo(this.szMap);

		switchLayer: function(szLayerName,fState){
			return ixmaps.switchLayer(this.szMap,szLayerName,fState);

		newTheme: function(title,theme,flag){

		loadProject: function(szUrl){

	ixmaps.mapApi.prototype.theme = function(szTheme) {
		return new ixmaps.themeApi(this.szMap,szTheme);
	}; = function(szMap){
		return new ixmaps.mapApi(szMap);

	// generate iframe and embed a map
	// --------------------------------------
	 * embedMap
	 * @param {String} szTargetDiv the id of the <div> to host the map
	 * @param {Object} opt a JSON object that describes the map source  
	 * @param {Function} fCallBack the function to call, if the map is loaded
	 * @return void
	 * @example
	 * <!DOCTYPE html>
	 * <html>
	 *   <body>
	 *     <div id="map_div"></div>
	 *   </body>
	 *     <script type="text/javascript" src = "../../ui/js/htmlgui_api.js" > </script>
	 *     <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
     *     ixmaps.embedMap("map_div",
	 *       { 
	 *          mapName:    "map", 
	 *          mapService: "leaflet",
	 *          mapType:    "OpenStreetMap - FR"
	 *       }
	 *     ); 
	 *     </script>
	 * </html>
	ixmaps.embedMap = function(szTargetDiv,opt,callback){
		var target = window.document.getElementById(szTargetDiv);
		var szName = opt.mapName || "map";
		var szBasemap = opt.mapService || "leaflet";
		var szUrl = "/ui/dispatch.htm?ui=embed&basemap="+szBasemap+"&maptype="+opt.mapType+"&tools=1&name="+szName;

		if ( (szBasemap == "leaflet") ){
			szUrl = "/ui/html/embed_sync_Leaflet.html?maptype="+opt.mapType+"&tools=1&name="+szName;

		var scripts = window.document.scripts;
		for ( a in scripts ){
			if ( scripts[a].src && scripts[a].src.match(/htmlgui_api/)){
				opt.mapCdn = scripts[a].src.split("/ui")[0];
		if ( opt.mapCdn ){
			szUrl = opt.mapCdn+szUrl;
			szUrl = "../.."+szUrl;

		if ( opt.mapUrl ){
			szUrl += "&svggis="+opt.mapUrl;
		if ( opt.mapSearch ){
			szUrl += "&search="+opt.mapSearch;
		if ( opt.mapLegend ){
			szUrl += "&legend="+opt.mapLegend;
		if ( opt.mapThemeLegend ){
			szUrl += "&themelegend="+opt.mapThemeLegend;
		if ( opt.mapSilent ){
			szUrl += "&silent="+opt.mapSilent;
		if ( opt.mapControl ){
			for ( o in opt.mapControl )	{
				szUrl += "&"+o+'='+opt.mapControl[o];
		if ( opt.mapOpt ){
			for ( o in opt.mapOpt )	{
				szUrl += "&"+o+'='+opt.mapOpt[o];
		var szHeight = opt.height || "640px";
		var szWidth  = opt.width  || "100%";

		if ( target ){
			target.innerHTML = "<iframe id=\""+szName+"\" style=\"border:0;width:"+szWidth+";height:"+szHeight+"\" src=\""+szUrl+"\" ></iframe>";
		if ( callback )	{

}( window.ixmaps = window.ixmaps || {} ));

// .............................................................................
// EOF
// .............................................................................